
How to Recover the Telnet Login Password

how to recover the telnet login password

You can use Telnet to remotely maintain and manage a device. If you forget the Telnet login password, log in to the device using other methods (such as the Console interface) and set a new password.

l AAA authentication: To log in to the device, you must have a user name and a password.
l Password authentication: To log in to the device, you must have a password.

In this example, the configurations for VTY0 to VTY4 are the same.

Configuring AAA Authentication
If the user remembers the original login user name, a new password can be configured. For example, if the user name is huawei, configure a new password huawei@123 and set the user level to level 2.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] user-interface vty 0 4
[HUAWEI-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode aaa
[HUAWEI-ui-vty0-4] quit
[HUAWEI] aaa
[HUAWEI-aaa] local-user huawei password irreversible-cipher huawei@123
[HUAWEI-aaa] local-user huawei service-type telnet
[HUAWEI-aaa] local-user huawei privilege level 2

After the configuration is complete, you can use the user name huawei and password
huawei@123 to log in to the device.

If the user forgets the original login user name, configure a new user named huawei and password huawei@123 using the same method.

Configuring Password Authentication
Password authentication is configured for VTYs 0-4. Configure a password huawei@123.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] user-interface vty 0 4
[HUAWEI-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode password
[HUAWEI-ui-vty0-4] set authentication password cipher huawei@123
[HUAWEI-ui-vty0-4] return

After the configuration is complete, you can use the password huawei@123 to log in to the device.


After you log in to the device through the VTY0 to 4, run the display current-configuration configuration user-interface command to view the authentication mode of the VTY user.